Browse Items (7614 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items of 2 Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added [Sufsees?], Frank Cooper, Joseph. Caulson, John R. [Granba?], John Von Green, William Munke, George Carbett, Thomas Brooks, [Thomas?] Wheeler, George Larsen, Charles Lassen, John [Philoma], Richard Haeys, William Priesler, Charles Belcher, Elijah Peert, [Vichelov?] McHale, Lonnie Hardley, Svik Ferrari, John Hagermann, Charles [Madole], James Cayle, Jame Langue, John Meade, Robert [Tonyes?], John Pastiner, Joseph Otto, Suger [New Thelsea?] Otto, [Johnan?] Landenberger, Frederich Webster, Philip Boxon, Walter Moroney, Thomas Eadie, Harold Redmond, James Elliot, Lambert Morgan, George Ward, Reginald H. [Vinghorn], William [Jensen?], Hans [Sleminger?], Arthur [Saffr? Peter?] [Glieson, Jens?] Wilson, John Drake, Victor Smith, John York, [Curtis] Winther, Thomas [Jarsen], Herman Nelson, Charles Rivers, Henry Smith, Joseph Jarson, Thomas Zucht, Frederick [Prant?], Frank Osterman, August Comerford, Michael Swanson, Charles Anderson, Charles Mutson, Peter Anderson, Henry [Schurlses?], Peter Connelly, Joseph Lynch, Timothy Morris, John Nicholls, George Matthews, Robert Schmidt, August Schultz, William [Karvel], Frank Plested, Frederick Jarson, Hans Bergerion, Otto Hward, Charles Hooht, Albert Cassell, James Daniel, Nathan [Dravin?], Alfred Long, John Estel, Douglas Mitchel, Frederick Wood, Alfred [Von Geevan], William [Fynch], Michael Bates, [Bless] Griffin, Peter Johanson, Charles [Smevik], Thomas Kaizer, George Russel, Harry [Jase], Charles Thomas, Edward Karlon, Karl Stone, Fred [Cayer], Albert Deinstan, Edward Howard, James Dougherty, John Slade, Henry McCarrick, [Edward] ierboomen, Louis Schorey, Arthur Tausch, Paul Alwardt, Louis [Merritt], George Nelsen, [Charles] Schroeder, John Willis, James Russow, Carl Sinker, Max Yhansen, Josephus Bloch, William [Pasche?], Paul Linden, Walter Valte, Richard Garcas, John Severe, Charles E. Vass, Nicholas Vass, Pete [Bardin], Paul Jenner, Otto Keiffer, Anton Bacon, Edwin H. [Bressendirf?], Peter W.F. Jenson, James Kelly, John D. Jensen, George Kiellsen, Frederick [Kaytore], William Johansen, John Olansen, Sven Murphy, Richard Peterson, Carl Palmer, Frank Peterson, Thomas Harley, Frank A. Cussak, Thomas Ridburg, Henry Birt Hopkins, [Nathan?] E. [Noventore?], George Newton, Thomas [Barus], Victor [Godenbing?], Kenneth Neef, Perry Archer, Edward McKenzie, Robert Preuss, Charles Mudd, John Cranson, Josephus Erickson, George Zenno, Albert Becker, John [Thode, Flak?] Johnson, Kenneth Johnson, Victor Knight, Albert Holmes, Asa Schramin, Henry Parson, Thomas Byman, [Jahvis] McCullam, Morris Salt, Christ Boggs, Henry Blank, Perry Lambert, Thomas Wilkens, John Peterson, John Gunther, Frederick Hill, William Lambert, Arthur Benderson, Thomas [Suinfero], Edward [Felsman], Robert Peterson, Walter Cordwell, Arthur Rickheim, Fred [Begenu], Charles [Meeusing], Otto Riebright, James [Garson Jalmas?] Thorson, Walter Passett, Theodore Holmston, Charles Peterson, George Morton, Arthur Rubrick, Francis Mosker, Arthur Hopkins, Stephen [Nathan?], John Gorman, David Halverson, Horvag Gorman, Friedrick O'Brien, Thomas Meyer, Herman Halbert, Gustav Williamson, Matthew Rodgers, James Doyle, Edward Staff, Karl Knight, Samuel Aust, Herman Khran, Otto Humphries, William Fielsmuske, Frederick [Lichrune], Albert Nelson, Harry Nielson, John [Melero], Francis [Causeil], Jonis [Rafe], Paul Jackson, Thomas [Riehle], Eugune [Dial], Peter Anderson, Charles Brown, Martin Englehardt, Jonis Nielson, Christ West, John [Alflan], Ben Rae, Thomas [Briscoe], Morris [Overgan], Matthew [Aldason?], John Anderson, Andrew Fisher, Arthur White, George Jones, Edward Carlson, Fredrick [Seirmeart?], Harry [Dehaut?], Jack Holding, John R. Pearson, John Blossom, Samuel [Samelholm?], Antoine Hathway, Frank w. McDonald, John W. [Katuryk], Janus Van Brown, Jones Peterson, Peter Samuelson, Henry Jackson, John Bloomfield, Gustav Gutchmidt, Albert Barding, Albert Kamrath, William Walker, Harry McDonnell, Donald Westphal, Harry Cowan, Kenneth Carlson, Charley Gansen, Otto Klein, Annie Klein, Albert Rodninsky, [Fannie] Rodninsky, Moses 1925 New York Census example image [Illegible] Pratt, C Preson, E [Illegible] [Illegible] Olson, G Nieslon, N Nielson, R Norman, M? [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Larson, R Larson, E [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Lopez, E Lyons, P [Illegible] [Illegible] Johnson, W? Jensen, M? [Illegible] Jargenson? Johnson? Johnson? Johanson, E Creighton, S? [Illegible] Chambers? [Illegible] [Illegible] Coen, E Cafferty, A [Illegible] [Illegible] Cooper? Collins, M Cameron, M [Illegible] Kace, C [Illegible] Kennedy, C Kramer, E Hogarth, O Hayes, D Hagen, M [Illegible] [Illegible] Wilson, W [Illegible] [Illegible] Wilson Robert [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Welch, W Werthem, E Walker, G White, E Wachter, B Weech, B? Weis, J Wahle, W Vetaff? [Illegible] Van Dyke, A Van Veen? Varsema? Van Merreck? [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Thomas, P Thomas, W? Taylor, J Zetman, E? Zedek, D? [Illegible] [Illegible] Wacker, D [Illegible] [Illegible] Wilson, J [Illegible] Wagner, G Whiteford? W [Illegible] Wacker, F [Illegible] White, John Hoss, E Wilson, J [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Vincent?], P Taylor, F Thompson, W Terrence? E [Illegible] [Illegible] Baker, W [Illegible] [Illegible] Zebernicki?, E [Illegible] Yathis, L Wilson, D Wagner, D Wahlgreen, J Waker, Charles Miller, John Smith, C Scott, G [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Smirnoff, A Swanson, R [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Smith, E [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Welsh, D. G. White, John Rose, John Nelson, Charles Potter, James Rooney, John Rosatto, Tony Roberts, Charles Richard, D [Illegible] Rollins, Charles Richardson, George [Illegible] Sabare? E Ricardo, D [Illegible] Roberts, R Richardson, F Romero, Carl Roseria? Pedro Roland, F [Illegible] [Illegible] Reed? Rosa, R Rommel? E Reed, J Rose, E [Illegible] Reilly, D [Illegible] Redmond, E Clark, D [Illegible] Colier Craig, V Costa, E Callett? [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Carey, F Cardero, L Collins, Robert [Illegible] Collins, Robert Carlson, M Cassidy, A [Illegible] Cadero, Manuel Casker, John Cook, Dirk Connel? L Cooper, A Cruz, M Casey, W Caresi? W Culler, K [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Collins, M [Illegible] [Illegible] Rodriguez, D Rhodes, C [Illegible] Roberts, D Robertson, D Muir?, R [Illegible] [Illegible] Mearns? R Maliney, R [Illegible] McDonough, J Meyer, M Meyer, E Martin, D Marcenau?, M [Illegible] McHigh, P Martins, D? [Illegible] Montenegro, B Malinberg, A? Mador, J? [Illegible] Leighter? Laudberg? LaBante? [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Lyons, E Lemark? H [Illegible] [Illegible] Lever? Larson, G [ [Illegible] [Illegible] Lebois, J [Illegible] Larson, A [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Larson, R [Illegible] Hartman, L [Illegible] [Illegible] Hughes, D. B. Hall, W Hollander, F Halberg, D? Hutchinson, John? Hassal, B Hoffman, C [Illegible] [Illegible] Hoen, S Hynes, H [Illegible] Hogeth, S Hall, D Hardy, D Greenbaum, G [Illegible] Garry, A Gallagher, L Gallagher, D.E. Gordon, D Garvey, L [Illegible] Gonzalez, D [Illegible] Gonez Gonzales, D [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Gonzalez, M [Illegible] [Illegible] Garrett, D Genzalis, G Gershi? G [Illegible] Findley? G Freisburg?, August Ferguson, A [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Marson? McKenna [Illegible] McKenzie, D Murphy, M McConley, D Miller, L. P. Mann, Fred Marshall, R Madison? G Mace, F Montenegro, R Mayer, John Murphy, M McCullogh, J McQueen, D Martin, D Man, O [Illegible] McGerry ,E Marlin, C Moore, G McBath, John [Illegible] McHenry, P [Illegible] Morris, S [Illegible] McLaughlin, Russel [Illegible] [Illegible] Mayer, A [Illegible] Marrison? John McFarland, John Magee, D McLoughlin, A McConnell, J? Masdan? [Illegible] Masson? Morrow, C Mitchel, John Moody Muller? [Illegible] Miller, John [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Murphy McCouley [Illegible] [Illegible] Rennick, E Rick, W Payne, C [Illegible] Petit, Charles Polins?, J Preston, W Peare?, W Pratt, Lewis Powers, Thomas Peterson, O Patton, J Peterson, O Preckett, C.W. Pearez?, John Pratt, C [Penchel?] [Illegible] Powers, W Pickering, John Peterson, J Paleanis?, J Parkhurst, C [Illegible] Parker, ? [Illegible] Ottenspret?, J O'Connell, W Oswald, R [Illegible] [Illegible] O'Dell, E O'Connell, J O'Niell, D O'Toole, W Olsen, G Ofretz? Neeson, H Nelson, R Nielson, G Nielson, A Nagle, J Nelson, A Nansen, Erick Norble, J Norble, A Noonan, M Nelson, H Nielson, Harald Nolen, James Nose? D Nimeller?, J Nelson, O Norris, G McCallen, M Maxey, D Martinez, G McinTosh, J McCarthy, H [Illegible] [Illegible] Siegal, M Swanson, G Shephard, E [Illegible] Stubbs, L Saunders, Thomas St. Johns, E [Illegible] Sheldon, S Sheldon, E Stend? Karl Struggle? J [Illegible] Sachem, A Sorenson, J? Schultz? [Illegible] Schmidt, W Sullivan, J Sielman? P Smith, W Sorenson, H? Smidt, Charles Shephard, G Smith, G [Illegible] Saunders, B Sawyer E [Illegible] Schemp, S Simon, J Smith, J Sampson? [Illegible] Sounder? Reddy, E Roberta? Richardson Hughes, D. B. [Illegible] Hozhelbach Hanson Homer Hunt [Illegible] [Illegible] Gustoavson? Groat Bigson Gramali? Gozartz?, D Fallon, J Flemming, L.A Frank, E Farrell, G Foley, M Foster, M Evans, D [Illegible] [Illegible] Doyle, H? Donovan, M [Illegible] Dobbie, M? [Illegible] Bouginny? Blongrind Burgos, D Beaumont, E Brown, W Baker, A Brunet, P Boorman?, C [Illegible] Blakey, D Beaton? Bother? Akelry? Azasen?, A Anderson E Anderson, J Anderson, B Arak, A? Ark? Sheppard, G [Illegible] Smith, G Stutgart? Smith, J Smarde, E? Smith, W Sheniberg? Scott, G [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Sammuel, A [Illegible] Serenson, A Simonff, A Sheradon? Stickler? Redridge? Reed [Illegible] [Illegible] Richardson, F Ruben Robertson? Riley, G Rick, W Robinson, D [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] McBlath, D? [Illegible] McGriffin? Maher?, E [Illegible] Mannuel? McKenzie? [Illegible] Marrow, C Mourret? Michelson?, C Kaufman? Kranck? [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Larmont, D Lyman, L [Illegible] Long, D [Illegible] [Illegible] Larson, A [Illegible] [Illegible] Luther?, H Lour?, H Leerns? J Lopez, E Kohn, E Kerrigen, John Kahn? H Kaus?, B Killan, P [Kasack], J Kitchner, A [Illegible] Kratze, E [Illegible] Kaplon, H Kelly, T? Krause, H Kennedy, W Krudler, A Kingdom? [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Keenez?], James Kurtz, D [Illegible] [Illegible] Kertz?, L Kreck, D [Kroner?], D [Illegible] Kennez?, H Kasseb?, George Keyser, C Kellog, Carl Kinderinoff, L Kerr, J [Kall], C Kruck, W [Karukas?], G [Illegible] Kennedy, F Knight, A [Illegible] Kennedy, P Kennedy, C [Illegible] [Katenburg?] [Kaschinsky?] [Illegible] Johnson, F? Jones, B Johanson, E Jason, E Johanson, N Jenson, L Johanson, John Johanson, H Johanson, W. R. Johanson, F Johanson, W [Jacobson?], C Johnson, G Johanson, G Jansen, N Johnson, ? Jude, B [Janer?], J [Illegible] Higgins, D [Illegible] Hanson? Halderoff, D? Hegelberg, H Higgins, J [Illegible] Howard [Illegible] Hall, W Holliday?, J [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Hussez, J? Hart, M? Henderson? Hand? Hendrickson, W [Huggen?] Hurst, B McCullogh, S McLoughlin, E Moore, J MacKnice?, R McLaughlin, P [Illegible] Vandegard, G Veske, J [Illegible] Taylor, F Schaft?, E Thayer, R Tomtino? E Toske?, D Tanner, D Turner, J [Illegible] [Illegible] Swarz?, L Sinder?, A [Illegible] [Illegible] Sensky?, G Schaffer?, Peter Sexton, E [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Swillman?, P Swarez?, A Schmidt, G [Illegible] Sawyer, ? Southern?, D Smith, ? Smith, M Rudolph, W [Illegible] Ryan, R [Illegible] [Illegible] Reese, H [Illegible] Robinson, Charles Rogers, J [Illegible] [Illegible] Regensburg, H Phillips, J Roymendsbaum?, M [Illegible] Peterson, E [Illegible] Reardon, W Peterson, N [Illegible] [Pettinger?] J [Refuse?] [Petring?], J Pinkett, C Phillips, L Fernandez, Cardilo [Illegible] Fletcher, W. E. [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Frankland?], John Freeman, E Flemming, L.A Fleet, Robert Freeman, L Fisher, John? Forrest, ? Farrel, G Fallon, E Engelberg, H [Illegible] Eaton, J Erskad?, M Erickson, ? Ekberg? [Illegible] [Illegible] Egen? [Illegible] [Illegible] [Egerkor?] Evans, G Eden, K? Engel, W Erske, M? Evans, A Druke? [Dissendour?] DeRoory? [Illegible] Davis, B [Donnie?], Fred [Illegible] Dicken, E? Docker, H [Davis?], C [Heinz, P?]] Davis, P [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Davison?] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] Davis, M [Illegible] Dalton, Frank Dickenson, ? Dodger, ? Doyle, ? [Illegible] [Camel?] [Westhaum?], R [Illegible] [Illegible] Wilson, B? [Illegible] Walsh [Illegible] West, A Wood, Jack Van Zyc? [Van Veen?] [Illegible] Thomas [Illegible] [Illegible] Taylor, D Thompson, W Powers, W Palin, L Peckering, R [Palin?] Peterson [Paejen?], K [Illegible] Perrera, C [Presitz, J?] Pratt, C Preston, E? Past, J Opertz, W? [Cleon, G??] Nielson, N Nelson, R Norman, M? [Nova, J?] [Illegible] [Illegible] Larsons, R? Larsons, E? Lake, R? [Ferguson?] [Lafshon?] Lopez, E Lyons, P [Lamark, R?] [Illegible] Johanson? Jenson, M? Johnson? Jonson? Johnson? Johnsson? Johansson? Creighton, G [Chauer??] Christianson? Christianson? [Castra??] Coen, E Cafferty, A [Cassius??] [Classen?] Cooper, A Collins, M Cameron, M Kuschner?, Kace, C [Kaffer?] Kennedy, C Kransen, E [Hogarth?] [Hurtz?], Hogan, M Hart?, M [Hansch?], N [Kieff?, C] [Kellog?, J] Wilkerson, A Wilson, M Watson, E. Whitaker, W. Westburg, E Wilson, N Woods, Jack [Weker?], H Wilson, Robert Wenhold?, J Wacker, R Welsh, J Wetham, R Welch, M Waltham?, E Wacker, Gail Whik, E Wechter, R. Welch, D Weis, J Wohte, W Vitroff, O Von Dyke, B Van Dyke, A Van Helm? Varson? Van Marrect?, L Valske, A Venat? Thatch Turni?, L Treno, E? Thomas, J Thomas, W Taylor, J [Zhatman?], E [Zadea?], J [Zebediah?], A Walsh, J [Wakcker], J [Waldau], J [Wassilger?], A Wilson, B? Wilcox, A Wagner, G [Wakefield?], W Wenzel, A Walker, D Mick, E Manuel, J. Meed?, E.R. Manuel, J. Melson?, J [Manck?], E [Mekenson?], E Valentine, W Vincent, P Taylor, F Thompson, W [Terrence?], E Thlome, F Treme, N Baker, W [Alholqse?], A [Zaska?], A [Zebremiah, E?] [Yause, E?] Yates, L Wilson Wagner, James [Major, James?] [Maker, Charles?] Miller, John Smith Scott [Stevenson?], John [Skachiff?] Sanburg Smirnoff, A Swanson, R [Sherton?], J [Sarenson?], A [Sullivan?], John [Shack?] [Schroeder?] [Honesberger?] [Hoskins?] [Stevens?] Seaburg, John [Shrang?] os [Wonnet?] [Wacker?] [Wahlgreen?] [West?] Wagner, W Saunder, B Saboel, E [Shae?], L Shephard, G [Carter C?] [Custer?], D Callius, G Cooke, W? Conley, M Conley, O.C. Classen M Carter, J [Costatto?], D Cussack, O Creighton, G Christenson, C Cafferty A [Cummings?], E Berry, WE Butler, Peter Bynem, G Balton, W Begen, L.J. Barturch, F [Blush?], C Bush, E Banquet, J Bradley, Edward Basseme, C [Boddicker?] [Blassing?] Barrett, Elmer Botner, Charles [Bissio], Chas Brettman, Adolph Brown, W.F. Bressen, D Brentos, E [Brunan?], [ [Bloomet], H Brown, W Bennet, J Breen, P [Braskit?], D [Barris?] John Baker, G Brugas, J Burke, R Bastamento, E [Backer?] [Besia?] [Bursed], C Brussels, P Beughardt, W Beaumont, C Blakey, J Brooks, L Bormon, C [Benson], C Bandalas, A Berry, WE [Borngson?], E Barata, L [Amerel?], L Anderson [S?] Anderson L Addy, W Anderson, O Altwood, [Chas?] [Athleston?] Anderson C, Anderson, H Alvarez, [A?] Armond, E Anderson, L [Akerly, B] [Amarba, E] Alvaraz, Joros [Azafar? A] Anderson, ? Anderson, P.Z. Alexander, D Anderson, George [Ask, J?] [Acker?], A Anderson, E Antonio, L Acker, ? McCarthy, James Bradley, Edward Rich, [?] Cusak, John [Cohort?], Edward Doyle, Patrick J. Henderson, Chas Nagle, Don Bougment, Joe [Start, ?] Anderson, Oscar [Kell, John E?] Goldsmith, George Nicholson, [Chris?] Krauss, [?] Crossmoore, [Tom] The Lookout April 1918 (Vol. 9 No. 4) Seamen's Church Institute of New York April 1918 The Lookout March 1918 (Vol. 9 No. 3) Seamen's Church Institute of New York March 1918 The Lookout 1918 February (Vol. 10, No. 2 [Vol. 9 No. 2]) Seamen's Church Institute of New York February 1918 The Lookout January 1918 (Vol. 10, No. 1 [Vol. 9 No. 1]) Seamen's Church Institute of New York January 1918 The Lookout December 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 12) Seamen's Church Institute of New York December 1917 The Lookout November 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 11) Seamen's Church Institute of New York November 1917 The Lookout October 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 10) Seamen's Church Institute of New York October 1917 The Lookout September 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 9) Seamen's Church Institute of New York September 1917 The Lookout August 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 8) Seamen's Church Institute of New York August 1917 The Lookout July 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 7) Seamen's Church Institute of New York July 1917 The Lookout June 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 6) Seamen's Church Institute of New York June 1917 The Lookout May 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 5) Seamen's Church Institute of New York May 1917 The Lookout April 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 4) Seamen's Church Institute of New York April 1917 The Lookout March 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 3) Seamen's Church Institute of New York March 1917 The Lookout February 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 2) Seamen's Church Institute of New York February 1917 The Lookout January 1917 (Vol. 8 No. 1) Seamen's Church Institute of New York January 1917 The Lookout December 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 12) Seamen's Church Institute of New York December 1916 The Lookout November 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 11) Seamen's Church Institute of New York November 1916 The Lookout October 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 10) Seamen's Church Institute of New York October 1916 The Lookout September 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 9) Seamen's Church Institute of New York September 1916 The Lookout August 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 8) Seamen's Church Institute of New York August 1916 The Lookout July 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 7) Seamen's Church Institute of New York July 1916 The Lookout June 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 6) Seamen's Church Institute of New York June 1916 The Lookout May 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 5) Seamen's Church Institute of New York May 1916 The Lookout April 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 4) Seamen's Church Institute of New York April 1916 The Lookout March 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 3) Seamen's Church Institute of New York March 1916 The Lookout February 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 2) Seamen's Church Institute of New York February 1916 The Lookout January 1916 (Vol. 7 No. 1) Seamen's Church Institute of New York January 1916 The Lookout December 1915 (Vol. 6 No. 8) December 1915 The Lookout November 1915 (Vol. 6 No. 7) November 1915 The Lookout October 1915 (Vol. 6 No. 6) October 1915 The Lookout September 1915 (Vol. 6 No. 5) September 1915 The Lookout August 1915 (Vol. 6 No. 4) August 1915 The Lookout July 1915 (Vol. 6 No. 3) July 1915 The Lookout June 1915 (Vol. 6 No. 2) June 1915 The Lookout May 1915 (Vol. 6 No. 1) May 1915 The Lookout April 1915 (Vol. 5 No. 12) April 1915 The Lookout March 1915 (Vol. 5 No. 11) March 1915 The Lookout February 1915 (Vol. 5 No. 10) February 1915 The Lookout January 1915 (Vol. 5 No. 9) January 1915 The Lookout December 1914 (Vol. 5 No. 8) Seamen's Church Institute of New York December 1914 The Lookout November 1914 (Vol. 5 No. 7) Seamen's Church Institute of New York November 1914 The Lookout October 1914 (Vol. 5 No. 6) Seamen's Church Institute of New York October 1914 The Lookout September 1914 (Vol. 5 No. 5) Seamen's Church Institute of New York September 1914 The Lookout August 1914 (Vol.5 No. 4) Seamen's Church Institute of New York August 1914 The Lookout July 1914 (Vol. 5 No. 3) Seamen's Church Institute of New York July 1914 The Lookout June 1915 (Vol. 5 No. 2) Seamen's Church Institute of New York June 1914 The Lookout May 1914 (Vol. 5 No. 1) Seamen's Church Institute of New York May 1914 The Lookout April 1914 (Vol. 4 No. 12) Seamen's Church Institute of New York April 1914 The Lookout March 1914 (Vol. 4 No. 11) Seamen's Church Institute of New York March 1914 The Lookout February 1914 (Vol. 4 No. 10) Seamen's Church Institute of New York February 1914 The Lookout January 1914 (Vol. 4 No. 9) Seamen's Church Institute of New York January 1914 The Lookout December 1913 (Vol. 4 No. 8) Seamen's Church Institute of New York December 1913 The Lookout November 1913 (Vol. 4 No. 7) Seamen's Church Institute of New York November 1913 The Lookout October 1913 (Vol. 4 No. 6) Seamen's Church Institute of New York October 1913 "Hotel Reading Room, Seamen's Church Institute of New York, 25 South Street" Seamen's Church Institute The Lookout September 1913 (Vol. 4 No. 5) Seamen's Church Institute of New York September 1913 The Lookout August 1913 (Vol. 4 No. 4) Seamen's Church Institute of New York August 1913 The Lookout July 1913 (Vol. 4 No. 3) Seamen's Church Institute of New York July 1913 The Lookout June 1913 (Vol. 4 No. 2) Seamen's Church Institute of New York June 1913 The Lookout May 1913 (Vol. 4 No. 1) Seamen's Church Institute of New York May 1913 The Lookout April 1913 (Vol. 3 No. 12) Seamen's Church Institute of New York April 1913 The Lookout March 1913 (Vol. 3 No. 11) Seamen's Church Institute of New York March 1913 1915 NY State Census example image The Lookout February 1913 (Vol. 3 No. 10) Seamen's Church Institute of New York February 1913 The Lookout January 1913 (Vol. 3 No. 9) Seamen's Church Institute of New York January 1913 The Lookout December 1912 (Vol. 3 No. 8) Seamen's Church Institute of New York December 1912 The Lookout November 1912 (Vol. 3 No. 7) Seamen's Church Institute of New York November 1912 The Lookout October 1912 (Vol. 3 No. 6) Seamen's Church Institute of New York October 1912 The Lookout September 1912 (Vol. 3 No. 5) Seamen's Church Institute of New York September 1912 The Lookout August 1912 (Vol. 3 No. 4) Seamen's Church Institute of New York August 1912 The Lookout July 1912 (Vol. 3 No. 3) Seamen's Church Institute of New York July 1912 The Lookout June 1912 (Vol. 3 No. 2) Seamen's Church Institute of New York June 1912 The Lookout May 1912 (Vol. 3 No. 1) Seamen's Church Institute of New York May 1912 The Lookout April 1912 (Vol. 2 No. 12) Seamen's Church Institute of New York April 1912 The Lookout March 1912 (Vol. 2 No. 11) Seamen's Church Institute of New York March 1912 The Lookout February 1912 (Vol. 2 No. 10) Seamen's Church Institute of New York February 1912 The Lookout January 1912 (Vol. 2 No. 9) Seamen's Church Institute of New York January 1912 The Lookout December 1911 (Vol. 2 No. 8) Seamen's Church Institute of New York December 1911 The Lookout November 1911 (Vol. 2 No. 7) Seamen's Church Institute of New York November 1911 The Lookout October 1911 (Vol. 2 No. 6) Seamen's Church Institute of New York October 1911 The Lookout September 1911 (Vol. 2 No. 5) Seamen's Church Institute of New York September 1911 The Lookout August 1911 (Vol. 2 No. 4) Seamen's Church Institute of New York August 1911 The Lookout July 1911 (Vol. 2 No. 3) Seamen's Church Institute of New York July 1911 The Lookout June 1911 (Vol. 2 No. 2) Seamen's Church Institute of New York June 1911 The Lookout May 1911 (Vol. 2 No 1.) Seamen's Church Institute of New York May 1911 The Lookout April 1911 (Vol. 1 No. 12) Seamen's Church Institute of New York April 1911 The Lookout March 1911 (Vol 1. No. 11) Seamen's Church Institute of New York March 1911 The Lookout February 1911 (Vol 1. No. 10) Seamen's Church Institute of New York February 1911 The Lookout January 1911 (Vol. 1 No. 9) Seamen's Church Institute of New York January 1911 The Lookout December 1910 (Vol. 1 No. 8) Seamen's Church Institute of New York December 1910 The Lookout November 1910 (Vol. 1 No. 7) Seamen's Church Institute of New York November 1910 The Lookout October 1910 (Vol. 1 No 6.) Seamen's Church Institute of New York October 1910 The Lookout September 1910 (Vol. 1 No. 5) Seamen's Church Institute of New York September 1910 The Lookout August 1910 (Vol. 1 No. 4) Seamen's Church Institute of New York August 1910 The Lookout July 1910 (Vol. 1 No. 3) Seamen's Church Institute of New York July 1910 The Lookout June 1910 (Vol. 1 No. 2) Seamen's Church Institute of New York June 1910 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 2009 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2009 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 2008 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2008 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 2007 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2007 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 2006 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2006 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 2005 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2005 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 2004 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2004 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 2003 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2003 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 2002 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2002 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 2001 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2001 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 2000 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2000 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1999 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1999 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1998 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1998 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1997 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1997 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1996 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1996 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1995 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1995 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1994 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1994 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1993 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1993 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1992 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1992 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1991 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1991 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1990 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1990 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1989 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1989 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1988 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1988 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1987 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1987 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1986 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1986 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1985 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1985 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1984 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1984 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1983 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1983 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1982 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1982 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1981 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1981 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1980 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1980 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1979 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1979 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey- Annual Report - 1978 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1978 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1977 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1977 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1976 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1976 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1975 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1975 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1974 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1974 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1973 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1973 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1972 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1972 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1971 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1971 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1970 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1970 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1969 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1969 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1968 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1968 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1967 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1967 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1966 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1966 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1965 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1965 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1964 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1964 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1963 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1963 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1962 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1962 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1961 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1961 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1960 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1960 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1959 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1959 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1958 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1958 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1957 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1957 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1956 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1956 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1955 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1955 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1954 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1954 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1953 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1953 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1952 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1952 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1951 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1951 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1950 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1950 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1949 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1949 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1948 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1948 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1947 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1947 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1946 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1946 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1945 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1945 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1944 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1944 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1943 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1943 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1942 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1942 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1941 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1941 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1940 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1940 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1939 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1939 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1938 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1938 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1937 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1937 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1936 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1936 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1935 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1935 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1934 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1934 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1933 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1933 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1932 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1932 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1931 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1931 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1930 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1930 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1929 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1929 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1928 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1928 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1927 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1927 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1926 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1926 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1925 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1925 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1924 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1924 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1923 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1923 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1922 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1922 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1921 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1921 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1920 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1920 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1919 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1919 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1918 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1918 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1917 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1917 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1916 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1916 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1915 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1915 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1914 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1914 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1913 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1913 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1912 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1912 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1911 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1911 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1910 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1910 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1909 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1909 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1908 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1908 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1907 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1907 Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report - 1906 Seamen's Church Institute of New York 1906 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1905 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1905 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1904 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1904 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1903 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1903 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1902 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1902 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1901 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1901 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1900 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1900 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1899 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1899 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1898 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1898 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1897 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1897 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1896 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1896 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1895 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1895 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1894 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1894 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1893 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1893 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1892 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1892 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1891 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1891 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1890 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1890 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1889 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1889 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1888 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1888 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1887 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1887 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1886 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1886 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1885 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1885 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1884 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1884 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1883 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1883 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1882 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1882 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1881 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1881 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1880 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1880 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1879 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1879 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1878 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1878 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1877 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1877 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1876 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1876 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1875 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1875 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1874 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1874 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1873 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1873 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1872 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1872 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1871 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1871 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1870 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1870 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1869 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1869 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1868 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1868 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1867 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1867 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1866 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1866 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1865 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1865 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1864 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1864 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1863 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1863 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1862 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1862 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1861 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1861 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1860 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1860 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1859 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1859 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1858 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1858 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1857 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1857 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1856 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1856 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1855 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1855 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1854 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1854 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1853 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1853 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1852 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1852 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1851 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1851 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1850 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1850 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1849 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1849 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1848 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1848 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1847 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1847 Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York - Annual Report - 1846 Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1846 McNamara, Jim - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 McNamara, Jim - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 McNamara, Jim - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 McNamara, Jim - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 McNamara, Jim - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 McNamara, Jim - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 McNamara, Jim - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 McNamara, Jim - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 McNamara, Jim - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 McNamara, Jim - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 McNamara, Jim - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 McNamara, Jim - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 15 Darley, Robert - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Darley, Robert - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Darley, Robert - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Darley, Robert - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Darley, Robert - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Darley, Robert - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Darley, Robert - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Darley, Robert - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Darley, Robert - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Darley, Robert - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Darley, Robert - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Darley, Robert - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 7 Hughes, Rickey - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 12 Hughes, Rickey - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 12 Hughes, Rickey - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 12 Hughes, Rickey - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 12 Hughes, Rickey - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 12 Hughes, Rickey - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 12 Hughes, Rickey - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 12 Hughes, Rickey - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 12 Hughes, Rickey - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 12 Hughes, Rickey - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 12 Gee, Raymond - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Gee, Raymond - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 22 Flynn, Ed - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Flynn, Ed - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Raanes, Elmer (Al) - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Ludwick, John - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Ludwick, John - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Ludwick, John - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Ludwick, John - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Ludwick, John - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Ludwick, John - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Ludwick, John - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Ludwick, John - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Ludwick, John - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Flynn, Ed - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 25 Rio, Gene - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 21 Rio, Gene - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 21 Rio, Gene - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 21 Rio, Gene - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 21 Rio, Gene - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 21 Rio, Gene - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 21 Rio, Gene - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 21 Rio, Gene - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 21 Rio, Gene - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 21 Rio, Gene - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 21 Rio, Gene - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 21 Hughes, Walter - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Hughes, Walter - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 January 10 Dowling, William - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, WIlliam - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 14 Dowling, William - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dowling, William - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey Dowling, William - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 7 Dalton, Craig - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Dalton, Craig - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Dalton, Craig - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Dalton, Craig - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Dalton, Craig - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Dalton, Craig - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Dalton, Craig - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Dalton, Craig - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 Ralon, Carlos - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 JOHN W BROWN High School Alumni - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 JOHN W BROWN High School Alumni - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 JOHN W BROWN High School Alumni - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 JOHN W BROWN High School Alumni - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 JOHN W BROWN High School Alumni - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 JOHN W BROWN High School Alumni - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 JOHN W BROWN High School Alumni - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 JOHN W BROWN High School Alumni - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 JOHN W BROWN High School Alumni - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 14 JOHN W BROWN High School Alumni - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 13 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Rouse, Michael - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Rouse, Michael - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Rouse, Michael - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Rouse, Michael - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Rouse, Michael - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Rouse, Michael - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Rouse, Michael - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Rouse, Michael - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Rouse, Michael - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Rouse, Michael - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Rouse, Michael - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Rouse, Michael - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Murphy, Mark - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Murphy, Mark - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Murphy, Mark - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Murphy, Mark - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Murphy, Mark - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Murphy, Mark - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Murphy, Mark - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Compton, Buddy - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Compton, Buddy - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Compton, Buddy - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Compton, Buddy - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Compton, Buddy - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Compton, Buddy - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Compton, Buddy - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Rafaleowski, Michael - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 16 Grissom, Charles - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Grissom, Charles - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Grissom, Charles - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Grissom, Charles - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Grissom, Charles - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Grissom, Charles - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Grissom, Charles - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Grissom, Charles - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Grissom, Charles - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Stover, Jeffrey - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Hall, Harley - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Bugg, Steven - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Grimm, Les - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Grimm, Les - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 14 Troup, James - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 13 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Troup, James - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacbous, Jo-an - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacbous, Jo-an - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Jacobus, Jo-an - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, MIchael - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 24 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Duffy, George - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Dinsmore, Almer - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 July 21 Taube, Kevin - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Taube, Kevin - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Wade, Larry - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Wade, Larry - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 24 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 Novmeber 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Greenleaf, Frank - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 25 Duffy, George - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Duffy, George - Clip 24 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 March 29 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 26 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 25 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 24 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Dickie, Rodman - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 November 22 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 24 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey Kelly, Eugene - Clip 25 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Kelly, Eugene - Clip 26 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 October 19 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Roberts, Robert - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Robert, Roberts - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Roberts, Robert - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May MacMahon, Miles - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 MacMahon, Miles - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 Elliott, Jay - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Elliott, Jay - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Baker, David - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Isle, George - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 Mcfarlin, Roderick - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 McFarlin, Roderick - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 26 Ilse, George - Clip 28 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 27 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 26 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 25 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 24 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Ilse, George - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Joyce, Robert - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Joyce, Robert - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 April 27 Vazquez, Tomas - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 18 Vazquez, Tomas - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 18 Vazquez, Tomas - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 18 Vazquez, Tomas - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 18 Vazquez, Tomas - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 18 Vazquez, Tomas - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 18 Vazquez, Tomas - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 18 Vazquez, Tomas - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 18 Vazquez, Tomas - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 18 Vazquez, Tomas - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 18 Vazquez, Tomas - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 18 Lausell, Damian - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Lausell, Damian - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 11 Laugner, August - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 7 Laugner, August - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Laugner, August - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 May 17 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 29 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 28 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 27 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 26 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 25 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 24 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 23 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 16 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 16 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 16 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 16 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 16 Joseph, Daisy - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 February 16 Horton, Don - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 33 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 32 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 31 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 30 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 29 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 28 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 27 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 26 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 25 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 24 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 Johnston, Arnold - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012 February 3 McMahon, Miles - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 September 14 Frank, Gabe - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Frank, Gabe - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2011 December 1 Weir, Dick - Clip 33 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 32 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 31 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 30 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 29 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 28 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 27 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 26 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 25 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 24 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 6 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 5 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 4 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 3 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 2 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 Weir, Dick - Clip 1 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2012-01 William Lee Horton Jr. 1941.jpg Tug DT Sheridan,Circa 1943-4.jpg Mom on Barge Circa 1943-4.jpg Mom & Dad on Barge Circa 1943-4.JPG Menominee and barges sketch.jpg J. Don Horton Barge Cohasset 1942.jpg J. DonHorton 1945 Paintng barge.jpg Horton Men on Barges circa 1943.jpg Brother Jack and I, Circa 1943.jpg barge barnegat.jpg Horton, Don - Clip 15 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 14 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 13 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 12 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 11 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 10 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 9 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 8 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 7 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 6 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 5 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 4 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 3 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 2 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Horton, Don - Clip 1 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 1 Example Census Record - 52 Market Street, 1900 Women's Council (SCI) Seamen's Church Institute Street of Ships Exhibit (Woldemar Neufeld) Seamen's Church Institute October 1965 Orme Wilson Seamen's Church Institute 1960 Thomas P. Whittaker Seamen's Church Institute Rev. Henry J. Whitehouse Seamen's Church Institute 1803-1874 Rev. Robert J. Walker Seamen's Church Institute Edmund F. Wagner Seamen's Church Institute SCI Visitors Seamen's Church Institute United States Public Health Services Hospital Seamen's Church Institute US Coast Guard Seamen's Church Institute SCI Vehicles Seamen's Church Institute Titanic Memorial Lighthouse Seamen's Church Institute 1913- Time Ball Seamen's Church Institute Edward Thompson Taylor Seamen's Church Institute Mariner Tattoos Seamen's Church Institute Liberty Ship Janet Lord Roper Ship Christening Ceremony Seamen's Church Institute June 26, 1943 15 State Street Department of Special Services Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 25 South Street Department of Special Services Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 Special Events Seamen's Church Institute Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Concert Seamen's Church Institute January 17, 1974 Radio Theatre Seamen's Church Institute 1974 Alex Taller Sculpture Exhibit Seamen's Church Institute 1973 International Seamen's Club 15th Anniversary Seamen's Church Institute May 22, 1973 SCI Soccer Games in Downtown Manhattan Seamen's Church Institute 1930s-1950s National Maritime Day 1970-1971 Seamen's Church Institute 1970-1971 SCI Luncheons Seamen's Church Institute Flower Show (Fundraiser) Seamen's Church Institute 1969 25 South Street Soda Fountain and Luncheonette Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 Society for Seamen's Children Seamen's Church Institute 1937 Sir Galahad Memorial Figurehead Seamen's Church Institute 1927 Shipcraft Guild Seamen's Church Institute SCI Employees Visiting Ships Seamen's Church Institute Ship Models Seamen's Church Institute "Thomas Tracy" Tugboat Ship Christening Seamen's Church Institute 1951 The Sentinel (yacht) Seamen's Church Institute 1902- Seamen's Club of Mobile Seamen's Church Institute 1949- Seamen Seamen's Church Institute Seamen's Church Institute Seal Seamen's Church Institute Sailors' Snug Harbor Seamen's Church Institute Sailors' Home at 52 Market Street Seamen's Church Institute 1894-1907 Rudder Club Seamen's Church Institute 1950s Janet L. Roper Seamen's Church Institute 1915-1943 Franklin D. Roosevelt Prince Pierre Troubetzkoy (painter) Refugee Children Seamen's Church Institute September 1940 Rev. Smythe Pyne Seamen's Church Institute 1840s Propeller Club Seamen's Church Institute 1940s-1950s Post Office at 15 State Street Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 Post Office at 25 South Street Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 Port Newark Station Seamen's Church Institute 1960-1989 Soccer Games at Port Newark Seafarer's Center Sports Field Seamen's Church Institute 1960s-1970s Port Newark Seafarer's Center Open House Seamen's Church Institute December 2001 Port Newark Seafarer's Center Seamen's Church Institute 1993 Port Newark Construction Seamen's Church Institute 1960-1999 Aerial Views of Port Newark (Port Authority) Seamen's Church Institute 1996 Pier 5 at Coenties Slip Seamen's Church Institute 1889-1906 John H. G. Pell Seamen's Church Institute 1936-? Seafarers Center at the 92 North River Piers Passenger Ship Terminal Seamen's Church Institute 1980s-Present Rev. Benjamin C. C. Parker Seamen's Church Institute Operation Sail Event Seamen's Church Institute 1964 North River Station (with Church of the Holy Comforter) Seamen's Church Institute 1888-1914 New York Port Society Seamen's Church Institute 1954- Aerial and Landscape Views of New York City Seamen's Church Institute 1930-1985 National Council of Seamen's Agencies Seamen's Church Institute 1950-1953 Rev. John M. Mulligan Seamen's Church Institute Modernization Fund Exhibit Seamen's Church Institute 1944-1945 The Missing Seamen Bureau Seamen's Church Institute 1919- Clarence G. Michalis Seamen's Church Institute SCI's Merchant Marine School Seamen's Church Institute Memorial Day 1930, 1932 Seamen's Church Institute 1930-1932 Medico Radio Station KDKF Seamen's Church Institute 1920 John Masefield Seamen's Church Institute Mariner 15 Bar & Lounge at 15 State Street Seamen's Church Institute November 1979-August 1984 Richard H. Mansfield Seamen's Church Institute Rev. Archibald R. Mansfield Seamen's Church Institute Rev. Dr. Lawrence Seamen's Church Institute Rev. Harold H. Kelley Seamen's Church Institute 4th of July in Old New York Seamen's Church Institute 1976 Joseph Conrad Library Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1985 J. Augustus Johnson Seamen's Church Institute Jeanette Park Seamen's Church Institute Janet Roper Club Seamen's Church Institute September 8, 1943- n.d. James Slip Gospel Mission Seamen's Church Institute 1932 The J. Hooker Hamersley Seamen's Church Institute 1915-? International Sportsweek for Seamen Seamen's Church Institute May 11-27, 1987 Rev. Thomas A. Hyland Seamen's Church Institute Rev. Joseph D. Huntley Seamen's Church Institute Rev. Raymond S. Hall Seamen's Church Institute 1948-1960 Franklin D. Roosevelt Institute of Maritime and General Studies Seamen's Church Institute Second Floating Church of Our Savior Protestant Episcopal Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1869-1958 First Floating Church of Our Savior Protestant Episcopal Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York 1844-1868 Damaged Boats Seamen's Church Institute The Fir Grove Seamen's Church Institute SCI Exhibits Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 SCI Employees Seamen's Church Institute East River Station Seamen's Church Institute 1869-1906 David W. Devens Seamen's Church Institute Rev. Francis D. Daley Seamen's Church Institute Credit Bureau at 15 State Street Seamen's Church Institute Department of Conferencing Seamen's Church Institute October 1978-October 1984 Holy Trinity Church Seamen's Church Institute All Saints Episcopal Church Altar Seamen's Church Institute 25 South Street Chapel Mural Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Chapel of Our Savior Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 15 State Street Chapel of Our Savior Seamen's Church Institute May 1968-February 1985 SCI Chapel Events Seamen's Church Institute 1970s SCI's Centennial Celebration Seamen's Church Institute April 12, 1944 Cedar Grove Cemetery Seamen's Church Institute New York State Canals Seamen's Church Institute 1956 Brooklyn Station Exterior Seamen's Church Institute 1904-1907 Breakwater Hotel Seamen's Church Institute 1908-1913 Book of Remembrance Seamen's Church Institute SCI Board of Directors Seamen's Church Institute Marie Louise Bennett Seamen's Church Institute "Ships, the Lifeline of Britain" Benefit Party Seamen's Church Institute 1942 Edmund L. Baylies Seamen's Church Institute Reverend Richard J. Bauer Seamen's Church Institute July 30, 1969 SCI Headquarters at 1 State Street (Battery Station) Seamen's Church Institute 1902-1913 25 South Street Barber Shop Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Baggage Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Auditorium Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 The Atlantic Bell Seamen's Church Institute 25 South Street Apprentice Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 Cornerstone Laying Ceremony for the 25 South Street Annex Seamen's Church Institute November 5, 1925 25 South Street Annex Seamen's Church Institute 1925 The International Society for the Aid of Greek Seamen (ANGYRA) Seamen's Church Institute June 1953 Men's Shelter at 39th Street Ferry Terminal (Battery Maritime Building) Seamen's Church Institute 1921-1922 25 South Street Writing Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street William D. Tracy Dental Clinic Seamen's Church Institute Fall 1931-1967 The Seamen's Tailor Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 Swedish Seamen's Club at 25 South Street Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Sloppe Chest Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Seamen's Lounge Seamen's Church Institute January 12, 1942-1967 25 South Street Roof Views Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Reading Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Print Shop Seamen's Church Institute 1917-1967 25 South Street Officer's Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Medical Clinic Seamen's Church Institute 1925-1967 Marine Museum at 25 South Street Seamen's Church Institute 1953-1968 25 South Street Lobby Mural Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Lobby Information Desk Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Lobby Seamen's Church Institute 1912-1967 International Seamen's Club at 25 South Street Seamen's Church Institute May 1958- Sep 1967 International Seamen's Club at 15 State Street Seamen's Church Institute May 1968-May 1983 25 South Street Laundry Facilities Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Kitchen Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Hotel Rooms and Dormitories Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Hotel Desk Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Exterior Gargoyles Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Game Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Building Exterior Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Engine Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Employment Bureau Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 Dutch Seamen's Club Seamen's Church Institute 1940-1967 25 South Street Exterior Doors Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Dining Rooms Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1928 25 South Street Seamen's Savings Department Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 Danish Seamen's Club Seamen's Church Institute 1945-1967 25 South Street Exterior Cross Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Board Room Seamen's Church Institute 1927 25 South Street Alcoholics Assitance Bureau Seamen's Church Institute 1945-1967 Chris Svendsen at 241 Water Street Exhibit Gallery Seamen's Church Institute 1993-2010 SCI Headquarters at 241 Water Street Seamen's Church Institute 1989-2011 Reading Room at 21 Coenties Slip Seamen's Church Institute 1889-1906 15 State Street Building Exterior Seamen's Church Institute 1967-1985 15 State Street Cornerstone Laying Ceremony Seamen's Church Institute December 8, 1967 15 State Street Restaurant Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1984 15 State Street Magazine Room Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 15 State Street Lobby Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 15 State Street Kitchen Seamen's Church Institute May 1968 - October 1984 15 State Street Hotel Rooms Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 15 State Street Hotel Desk Seamens Church Institute 1968-1985 15 State Street Gymnasium Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 25 South Street Cafeteria Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 15 State Street Cafeteria Seamen's Church Institute 15 State Street Basement Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items of 2 Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Output Formats atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-json, omeka-xml, rss2